Jaguards s’est porté en soutien de de l’organisation non gouvernementale turque ORDOS dans la gestion de la crise suite au séisme.
Jaguards a proposé dès le 6 Février et pour toute la durée de la crise la mise à disposition gracieuse et sans engagement de son logiciel de gestion opérationnelle de crise pour aider à la coordination des équipes de secours.

Le témoignage de Mme Elif Eylem, coordinatrice pour l’ONG ORDOS :
"I am from ORDOS (Middle East Search and Rescue, Mountaineering and Outdoor Sports Association). ORDOS is an NGO whose members are mostly METU graduates formerly member of METU (Middle East Technical University) Mountaineering Society. We're actually specialized in mountain rescue but whenever our country face with a disaster we feel the responsibility to act and participate in the search and rescue operations. In the morning of 6th of February 2023 when we heard the earthquake in Pazarcık, Maraş, we formed a team to take part in the search and rescue operations. We created a 3 legged organization to coordinate the operation and started to receive calls for help in search and rescue and aids. We were recording the events on a spreadsheet then on the 4th day of the disaster, we came across Jaguards platform through a friend of ours, Cevahir. He knew Christophe who is one of the developers of the system. We contacted immediately and he offered us to use the system free of charge. They made it available for us within minutes, showed us how to use and configure it. Then, we shared our data with Chris, he had it transferred to Jaguards database. We shared some feedback with him, he always responded in minutes. Now we have a well thought and easy to use system where we can map search and rescue and other needs and follow them accurately. On behalf of ORDOS, DKSK and other organizations who took part in the operations I want to thank Jaguards and its workers for helping us in such a terrible situation."
Les équipes de Jaguards se sont mobilisées pour mettre à disposition et traduire en langue turque le logiciel en quelques heures en espérant apporter leur petite pierre à la résolution d’une catastrophe humanitaire d’une ampleur inégalée.